
Showing posts from February, 2020

Effort is Everything

Today we took a test on The   Kite Runner . The test was fairly easy, but I continuously second guessed myself. Not being confident in my first instinct resulted in a 75%. I am dissatisfied with my score, but I am not going to give up. I will constantly push myself until I reach perfection. I won’t settle for 75% because I know I’m capable of performing an additional 25%. I’m going to put in more effort because it’s the key to unlock the doors I wanna open.

Just Keep Moving

Today we took a quiz in Mr. Rease’s class. There was an option to test on chapter nine or chapter ten. I chose chapter nine, and surprising I comprehended 98% of the questions. The questions weren’t  really difficult because I had read the chapter and comprehended most of what the author was trying to convey. However, the analytical part of the questions was most challenging. For example, one question stated “Where were Ali and Hassan leaving to, and why is it significant?”. I struggled with the second part of the question, but with thorough thinking I answered it correctly. By dwelling on this I learned that I won’t always know the answer the first time, but as long as I keep trying I’ll find a solution.

I am Thankful!!

Today Mr. Rease taught the class how to write a cover letter. I had already had some knowledge of what the letter is supposed to consist of, but I was never taught the skill of writing one. So I am beyond appreciative of Mr. Rease teaching me. I feel as though he’s the only teacher that’s helping beyond the classroom. He not only cares about “high school life”, but he cares about college. He doesn’t just ensure we get there; he guarantees we will be prepared for it.

We’re Getting Somewhere!!!

Today class was almost an exact replica of yesterday. We were split into groups based off of the characters in the novel The Kite Runner. The only significant difference was a character was replaced by another. For example, yesterday our claims were based off of Amir, Hassan, and Assef. Today our claims were about of Amir, Hassan, and Baba. I was split into the section where the claims were  about Baba. As I was finding evidence from the novel, I realized that this activity is much easier today. I guess the saying “ With practice yields perfection” is true.

Too Late

Reading chapter eight was very strange. The novel shifted. Even though I knew it was inevitable, it still came as a surprise.For example, there’s no relationship between Amir and Hassan anymore. The narrator rarely mentions Hassan name, and when he does it’s very uncomfortable to read. I know things are going to go downhill from this , and I wish it didn’t. I wish that there was a way for the two to rekindle their once complicated relationship.

What a friend

The first chapter of the novel starts off with a phone call from Rahim Khan telling Amir "there's a way to be good again. In chapter 7 it is revealed how Amir lost his good morale. He watched his friend get raped and didn't even attempt to defend him. I understand that he was very fearful, but he was mostly selfish. Rereading this made me very angry. I can't fathom what possibly urged Assef to go through with this. I can't even fathom Hassan's mental state during the moment. I wished that at this moment Amir could have been a friend to Hassan.

Maybe a Hypocrite

“I was always learning things about Baba from other people” This was from the novel The Kite Runner. Amir said this about his father because he lacked a relationship with his father . Amir and I compare in that sense. The only difference is his father is alive and mine was murdered. Amir’s father, Baba, preached about sin. To him there is only one sin but many variations of it. He thinks that the only sin is stealing. For example, if someone kills a person, they rob that person the opportunity of life. If some one discriminated against another the other person is robbed an opportunity to fairness and equality. But there’s some controversy between Baba’s actions and his beliefs. He consistently neglect Amir, so isn’t that robbing him of a father-son relationship?

The Real Reflection

Today I started rereading The Kite Runner by Khalid Hosseini. As I was reading I came to the realization that I’m much more knowledge than I was the first time I read the novel, two years ago. For example, I never knew the importance of support, especially parental support until I lacked it. In chapter three of the novel Amir’s father, Baba, wants him to follow in his footsteps instead of going after his own interests. He taunts Amir and calls him weak because of his crying and wanting to be different. This reveals that he isn’t open minded, and his belief of manhood is different. I never would have thought like this. The very first time I read I wasn’t reading for comprehension; I was reading because I was required. I never thought about what the author was trying to portray. I was ignorant to it all. Blind, naive, and unaware I was all of it. I didn’t even consider the simplest thing of them all, character analysis. Also, I was oblivious to Baba and my family’s  compatibility . Wow,

Only Have one Life

Today was a continuation of the poem presentations. Everyone did well, and today I discovered my favorite Maya Angelou poem. “ On Aging” is the name of it. It is about a woman who’s continuously  getting older but doesn’t want to be pitied because of such. She’s aware that by day, year, and hour she’s evolving and aging physically. However, she doesn’t want to be treated as if her life is over. She emphasizes that despite her physical decline, she’s the same woman she was years ago. I want to be like this when I’m older. I don’t want to depend on people for things that I am capable of, and this is not saying I’m opposing help. In simple terms, I just want to live my life to its fullest extent.

“Does my haughtiness offend you?”

Today was the day I recited “Still I Rise” by Maya Angelou. Nervous was an understatement for how I felt. Scared was more of the adjective to describe my emotion. I thought that I would do horrible and I would ruin Angelou’s poem. I thought I wouldn’t be able to convey what Angelo wrote through my verbal speech. However, I did well. I performed better than I thought I would and actually exceeded my expectations. For the first time I can freely say that I am proud of myself.

Over It

I only been present in Mr. Rease’s class two days this week, and I don’t like that at all. I feel like I’m falling behind, and it’s going to be too late to catch up. I constantly fear that I’m going to fail the class. I fear that I’m not going to be as prepared in college. I think I’m going to be at a stand still and there is not going to be any way to recover. I’m frustrated with myself and overwhelmed. I’m over it

The Evolution of My Mind

Today we read two poems, but the most memorable was “Mother To Son” by Langston Hughes. One of the themes was “ Even when life throw you obstacles, continue to persevere”. This was very necessary to hear because right now life and I are fighting. I’m so ready to give up and throw in the towel, but I know that I wasn’t built to break. Trying to maintain an optimistic mindset is challenging, but I’m accepting the challenge. Like the mother in the poem, I’m going to keep climbing; Besides, I have came to far to give up.

Proud Angel

Today was the official National Honor Society ceremony, and it went well. I successfully delivered my speech, and so did the other members. Despite early controversy, we came together as a team and successfully represented the old members in front of the guests. I am proud of our achievement, and I am proud to be the president for this chapter. I wish the incoming members success as they enter into a new part of their lives.

Proud To Be

Unfortunately I wasn’t present in class today due to NHS ceremonial practice.  Practice was very productive. We consistently reviewed the speeches in the order in which the speaker would speak. As I presented the pledge, I reflected over my time here at Ben. C. Rain High School. Attending school here has been bittersweet. I have met some wonderful people and developed many bonds that are now broken. I have grown as a student and more importantly a person. I have overcome obstacles that have made me become a better me. I glad I’m graduating as a Red Raider.

A Love For Music

While reading the poem “The Myth of Music”, I realized how valuable music is to me. Throughout life, especially high school, music has helped me through some pivotal moments. It has been a great asset to my life. During the time I pondered about not going to college, I listened to music to help with my troubles. When I have no one to talk to about my father, I listen to music because sometimes that’s my only friend. Music is just the listening ear I need.