Book Review

Angel Scott 
AP English Literature and Composition 
April 12, 2020 
 Book Review 
I have recently read the novel The Awakening by Kate Chopin. It is of realistic and bildungsroman genre which entails that the novel focuses on the protagonist moral and psychological growth. The growth and change are significant to the work. Edna Pontellier is the protagonist and the most pivotal character. She’s the one who experiences “the awakening”. Many other characters contribute a vital role to Edna’s change such as Leonce Pontellier, Adele Ratigonelle, Robert Lebrun, Alece Arobin, and Mademoiselle Reisz. 
In the novel Edna Pontellier becomes aware of hesexuality and independenceAfter this change occurs, she begins to have conflict with society For example, Edna views of women are contrary to those of her time. Also, Edna struggles with internal conflict. She becomes overwhelmed attempting to satisfy herself while facing an opposing community. She struggles with the guilt of abandoning her children and her husbandFurthermore, the main conflict Edna faces is being overpowered by her thoughts and emotions 
I appreciated reading about a woman who becomes aware and have self-discovery. However, I was not fond of the fact that Edna was not able to find peace within. It’s like Edna experiences all these emotions and becomes completely overwhelmed. There was not a moment to revamp. There was not any balance. It was depicted as if she was stuck in the middle of choosing her happiness or the happiness of others. Moreover, the novel was very interesting and unlike anything I have ever read. I would recommend this novel to many high school seniors, especially those who are about to embark on a life changing experience. 


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