
Showing posts from November, 2019


Today we wrote an essay. The prompt to the essay was easy, but the hard part was brainstorming ideals. Mr. Rease allotted the class fifty five minutes to write the easy. I didn’t start writing until 15 minutes after. Unfortunately I didn’t complete my essay. However what I did write was not too terrible. I don’t think I made my desired score, but I do know I did better than last time.

A Big Day Ahead

Today we practiced answering a prose prompt. Practice was easy, but I don’t think I’ll remember much tomorrow. So, tonight I’ll study in order to retain what we went over today. I hope I make at least a six on my essay.

The Study Packet

Today we had a substitute teacher. So during class time, I attempted to finish  working on my study packet. Some of the questions were easy and others were difficult. The difficult questions were the ones that had multiple parts, and it was a lot of those. I, however, answered each question to the best of my ability.


I am absent from school today because I am sick.

Grammatical Errors

Today we continued with the reading of The Color Purple. In addition to that, we analyzed claims. In doing so, I realized that I made a lot of mistakes. Most of my mistakes were grammatical errors. I knew that would be my main problem because I always struggle with grammar. I also did not read over my essay. This resulted in my essay being the way that it was.

Panic Attack

Today I received my first progress report for second quarter, in a Mr. Rease class. I didn’t look at it because I overheard my classmates discussing their bad grades. I don’t think I’ll look at it anytime soon because if I do I know I’ll have a small panic  attack. They’re very common for me and I have always been this way. I’m scared of failure. I’m scared of not being good enough, so therefore to prevent myself from feeling this way, I flee from disappointment. I do this because my disappointment causes nightmares.

Like Sofia

It’s another character that I like in The Color Purple . Her name is Sofia. Sofia is not submissive and she has integrity. She speaks her mind, and she does not let people control her. I admire Sofia because she is true to herself, something I want to be. She’s tough.


Today we started reading The Color Purple. So far, the novel is the most interesting and graphic novel I have ever read. I have never felt more sympathy for a character than I have Celie . I hated that Celie  had to go through so much and she was only fourteen. I hated that she was forced to become a woman so early, and I know during that time period women typically matured faster. I, however hated that Celie had to mature faster because of rape. I wish Celie had a friend like me.

Right After the Bell

Today we worked individually on an assignment out of the book.  The assignment consisted of nine questions. Each question dealt with a poem by Ben Jonson. As a whole, the questions weren’t difficult; they just contained unfamiliar words. It took me the whole class block to complete my assignment. I finished right after the bell rang.

Smaller Classes

There were not many students in class today. Half of the students were either on a college trip or absent. I like having a smaller class though. With a small class, I feel like each student is able to have a voice, and that is exactly what happened today. Each student, including myself, was able to be heard and give an input. This is how I want my college classes to be.

Absent Due to Veterans Program

Today I learned to be even more appreciative of veterans. The cause of this was hearing a veteran cry. At my school’ seventh annual Veterans Day program we honored many vets. One vet in particular touched my heart. He seemed to be about eighty years of age, and he presented a short speech. During his speech, he cried reminiscing on the ones who lost their life in war. This saddened me, and it also made me realize that people actually died for my freedom, my success, and my future; for that, I am forever grateful.

A Different Intake

Poems are not as ambiguous as I thought. Today when I was read another poem by Sylvia Plath, I interpreted completely different from group members. My interpretation was completely contrasting from theirs. It matched Mr. Rease’s in some instances; however, it would be a stretch to call it similar.  I’ve came to an unwavering conclusion that poems are not my forte.

Great Day

Today I had a great day in class. I understood how to do all assignments today. I understood how to identify and explain devices of the poem. I understood during the examples we did as a class. My day was great in class because I was able to apply prior knowledge as from previous school years and information from this year to complete the task.

Creative Writing

Today we wrote our own poem.We only had to consider one guide line which was length; our poem had to be at least 14 lines. This part was not challenging. The hard part was trying to make my poem complex because per usual, everything I write is simple. I feel as though my poem was the worst. Therefore the next time I write a poem, I’m putting my all into it.

I have to do better !!

Today we wrote an essay for the entire class period. The essay prompt was not hard. I was just unprepared. I had forgotten that on Monday he mentioned we would be writing an essay. I forgot to review characterization like I said I would. Because of my unprepared mindset, I know I did not work to the best of my ability.