
Showing posts from March, 2020

I’m Ready

This week has been extremely busy. I have worked a lot on my senior project. In fact I’ve completed the book review, and started on my PowerPoint. Also, I have finalized my college decision. I’m so excited to further my education. I think I’m finally ready for the “real world”. I am eager to see what life has in store for me.


Today I continued reading my book. My goal is to be finished by tomorrow. I have already chosen the assignments that I want to correlate with my book. Out of the four of them, the book review seems the most challenging. This is because I'll have to explain what i have read, and I can't seem to explain properly. I know it sounds comical, but it's true. Furthermore, I plan to be finished with the first assignment by this weekend.

THAT'S that

Since being notified that there will not be a multiple choice section on the AP Literature and Composition 2020 exam, I have decided to work solely on "answering the prompt". I have looked at a few examples out of the AP English literature and composition book. They primarily focus on the prose questions. Those are the ones that I struggle with because of my "lack of comprehension of poetry",at least that's what I've convinced myself to believe. One in particular was on the basis of analyzing poetic devices. Another prose question mentioned "establishing relationships". I STRUGGLED attempting to cluster ideas and a thesis for those. It is as if regardless of how many times I have been taught I simply don't understand the context, and I lack the skill of PROPERLY explaining myself. So, despite my challenge I continued to cluster and plan until I finished with a horribly finished.


Today I took the first of the three practice test left on AP classroom. It was easy, but very long. However, that may have been because of my extremely tired state. Preceding the practice test, I worked a seven hour shift. so when i began testing, my mind was merely on sleeping. I wished I could have been more focused and maintained 100% effort. Then maybe now I wouldn't be afraid to view my score.

Practice Time

Today I took a multiple choice practice test out of the AP English Literature and Composition Exam book. I wasn't successful on the test. There were a total of thirteen questions, and I answered five correctly. Some reasons were because of my lack of attentiveness, my comprehension skills, and because I didn't read the questions thoroughly. Time was also a challenging factor. I limited myself to 13 minutes. Three of the minutes was merely dedicated for reading and analyzing the passage. The additional ten minutes were left to answer the questions that followed, meaning I had less than a minute to answer each question. I went into panic mode, and that's another factor that led to my failure. I have learned that whenever I take test I must be calm and completely focused on the assignment at hand in order to excel. However, instead of focusing on the practice test, my mind pondered "What am I going to eat for lunch?" and such things of that nature. Before the real ex

Making Progress

Today I started working on my senior project. It took a lot of effort for me to quit procrastinating and begin reading my book. I read both the first and second chapter. So far, the novel is a good read, and i don't regret my decision to pick this book. However, at times the language is difficult to understand. I can't even count on my fingers how many times I have had to pause reading to define a word. I can't fathom how many more times this will happen. More over, this novel The Awaking by Kate Chopin, is enlightening me of my limited vocabulary. It is also revealing that in order for me to evolve  and grow as a reader, I must stop limiting myself to contemporary reads.


Today was very relaxing. Mr. Rease discussed our assignments we would have during the 2/12 week break, and afterwards there was random group discussion among my peers and I. We discussed topics such as Netflix and college plans. I enjoyed hearing the different careers my classmates were interested in. Overall class was very chill.

Horrible Day

Today we took our 3rd quarter EQT. I feel like I failed. I was not mentally prepared to take the test.  I couldn’t think and everything was so complicated to me. My mind was clouded with thoughts, and none of them pertained to the test. I wanted  to go home. I couldn’t focus. Mentally I was a wreck, and physically I was too. My eyes were puffy and red, and my cheeks were tear stained. One can’t even fathom how I longed to be out of the class and away from those people. And when the bell finally rang, I felt like a burden had been lifted off of my shoulders.

Just Chill

Class was very relaxing today. We watched a movie on the novel The Kite Runner. It was very interesting, but as expected, it wasn’t exactly like the book. Even the house wasn’t as it was depicted in the novel. I envisioned it to be a grand mansion  like Amir described it. Instead it was merely a large home, but I guess It’s all dependent on perspective. Moreover, I am glad that I did watch the movie to see the words brought to life.

Alabama State University

Today I went on a field trip to Alabama State University. As I walked on the campus I got an unwelcoming vibe. From then on, I knew that the school wasn’t from me. However I learned some interesting facts. For example, I learned that Dr. Martin Luther King gave his commencement speech there. I also learned more about pivotal African Americans such as Zora Neale Hurston. Despite the school not being my top pick; the field trip was very enlightening.


Today we played “Speed Dating with a Prompt”. The concept of the game is to quickly analyze a prompt while creating claims, a thesis, and a theme. We had precisely 11 minutes and thirty seconds to compose everything. The game was very fun, however, there were some  things  I didn’t understand. I couldn’t comprehend what some of  the prompts asked, so I struggled. I was at a standstill for about half of the allotted time. But, I didn’t give up at all.

Don’t Ever Give Up

Today we took a test in class. Surprisingly, I was confident while taking the test. I didn’t have the mindset of failure nor fear. Instead, I had a positive attitude and I worked meticulously to answer most questions. Even though there were some I didn’t understand, I didn’t give up midway through. I continued to take the test; I didn’t let the test take me. Despite not earning a perfect score, I am still happy that I didn’t give up.

Team Work Makes the Dream Work

Today we worked  in groups. My group members were Tytiana and Laila. Together we worked to finish our presentation about chapter 17. Everything turned out to be a complete success. We successfully and meticulously explained our section of the presentation. We worked beyond the direct details of the novel. I am of what we accomplished.


Today was a pretty chill day. We worked on an individual assignment that helped to have a better understanding of the novel The Kite Runner. I wasn’t in the mood to socialize, so I was happy the task was independent. The task was fairly easy and I finished it quickly with time to spare. That was extremely unusual for me. It usually requires the whole block in order for me to finish, sometimes additional time. I feel like a broke a record


Today Mr. Rease proved that we can manipulate any AP literature question three prompt to apply it to the novels we have read. Even though he showed us this before, I still had some doubt. However, after showing the class several times, I am a firm believer. This is challenging for me though. I struggle with identifying things that aren’t directly addressed. The process is very pressuring.


I was absent to class because of a field trip. On the field I was awarded 20,000 dollars to A&M university. I feel blessed.