
Showing posts from September, 2019

Second Read

Today in class we read the short story “The Yellow Wall-Paper. Although I previously read the story two years ago, I understood the story in more depth today. Also since this was a second read for me, I payed closer attention to the characters, and how they contribute to the storyline development. This helped develop characterization which resulted in me understanding the meaning of the story more, and it helped draw conclusions from my previous read.

1st place

Today was a chill day in class. We played kahoot to review material for “Macbeth”, and we also played  quiziz. I came in first place on kahoot and was rewarded with 10 points towards one of my lowest test grades. Quiziz was played in groups, and unfortunately, my group came in last place. That type of review was very helpful, and it will also contribute to my success on my “Macbeth” essay this weekend.

Umbrella Formula

Today we created a “formula” for writing a umbrella thesis. The idea of it is rather simple, for all it consists of is expanding the three point thesis. For example, we start off by creating a beginners thesis statement or a three point one. Then, from there on we find other words that relate to the words previously mentioned in the beginner statement. After adding more relatable words , perhaps adjectives, we pick one that sums everything up. I was excited to learn this technique because I love writing thesis statement and because it’s further preparing me for college. I had a good day in class.

Discussion 101

Today we had a thorough discussion about the play “Macbeth”. During the discussion we talked about the themes of the play, and how it contributes to the meaning of it. Also we discussed lessons from the play that can be applied to society today. Overall, I enjoyed the group discussion today because it permitted the opportunity to view different perspectives, with evidence from the play, instead of everything being a mutual agreement.

First Draft

In class we reviewed different AP prompts. My group was assigned the prompt from 2005. This particular prompt emphasized inward and outward conformity. Since it was prompt number 3, which give you the option of choosing either an epic poem, play, or novel, we choose the play Macbeth. After given the prompt, we did a general brain storm on how to answer the question. This process was fairly easy due to me having Mr. Rease as a teacher last year.


 Today we went over the main components of writing a story: character and plot development. As a class we created a fictional character along with certain elements that weakened the character or simply made up the character. The character was a thirty three year old asian named Rose Lee with two children. Rose was previously married but now is divorced. Currently, she is now in a secret relationship with a ,unknowingly, married man. One day Rose sees her lover with his wife and everything escalated .


Due to my AAMU scholarship audition, I was not present in Mr. Rease’s classroom. The audition lasted from third block until school was over. The judges were two members of the AAMU choir and the choir director. Mr. Carney, the choir, director made me extremely nervous , so with being nervous I made a couple mistakes during my performance; the mistakes were not minor. Therefore, I feel like I didn’t get the scholarship.

Performance Day

Today was performance day and all of the groups, including ours, successfully performed their skit. My group was first to go up. I felt uncomfortable performing because I knew that the whole audience was staring, but despite being nervous, I pushed through and didn’t forget any of my lines. This was the most fun I had in class in a long time, and this is because I got to see each person creative side.

The Real House of Macbeth

  Today in class we were placed into groups and assigned a prompt to create a scene for ''Macbeth''. My group was assigned the prompt of ''What if the guards found out about Macbeth's plan''. It was pretty easy to develop a scene; however, composing a script was a different story. This was because it was hard trying to write down exactly what to say while making everything flow together. Consequently, we spent at least twenty minutes, of the whole block, trying to create organization.

Macbeth ClassWork


Macbeth the Murderer

Today was a continuation of the reading “Macbeth”. We covered all of act three, which is the most interesting, suspenseful act thus far. This act consisted of the climax, which was Macbeth killing King Duncan. In this act, Shakespeare employed a variety of different emotions into each character, especially Macbeth. For example, during Macbeth aside time he’s nervous, unsure, and confident that he can go through with the killing. His contemplation develops his character, while progressing the story . Furthermore, because of this chapter alone, I am eagerly anticipating to read the rest of the story.

Angel or Lady Macbeth

Today in Mr. Rease’s class we continued with reading the book “Macbeth”. I was chosen to play Lady Macbeth. My acting was exquisite. I remained in character throughout each part; I became her. After each line I spoke, I felt as though I owned the room, and I was the center of attention. Overall, Acting gave me a sense of confidence that I yearn for when I am merely Angel.

Scholars Bowl

Today I was not present in Mr. Rease’s class because of a scholars bowl meet. This was our first one of the year, and this was my first one on my school’s team. There was a total of six matches and some of the questions asked was material covered in Mr. Rease’s classroom. I was happy that I retained the information and that I could use it to my advantage, and to help my team win. Unfortunately, we did not win any of the matches; however, it felt great just to participate.

Another Failure ?

Today we reviewed our test grades from the test we took two weeks ago. As a class, the results were horrible. The test grade will probably drop my grade down to a really low “A” or a very high “B”. With the consistency of failing test lately, it is highly possible that I won’t be valedictorian any longer. I’m so overwhelmed by all of the recent failures.


  Class was amazing today. Since today makes 18 years since the 9/11attacks we discussed that tragic occurrence. During discussion just about the whole class participated. We talked about how the occurrence lead to the unification of the country, and since none of us were alive then , besides Mr. Rease, we discussed  about how the attack affects now. Moreover, today class was a great seeing that we all came together to participate in remembrance of the 9/11 attacks.

Discussion Time

Today in class we had many open discussions in which I enjoyed. The questions were based off events that occurred in Macbeth. The questions kept the classroom flowing and alive because it felt as the we had a voice. Overall, today was one of the most best days since school started back.

No Mr. Rease

Mr. Rease was not present today, so we went to Mr. Mai class during third block. While in Mr. Mai classroom, we watched different videos. Some of the videos were interesting, others I tuned out. The mood was very relaxed in his class. Overall, today was a chill day.

Hmm South Alabama?

   Today was an easy day in Mr. Rease’s class. This was simply because we only spent about twenty five minutes in there, and for the remainder of the time, we went to a South Alabama recruitment. During the recruitment, I learned that South Alabama has a great educational program. They also allow freshmen to drive on campus, in addition to choosing whether they want to live on or off campus. The most prominent thing that I learned was that they will accept my ACT score,  and if I improve my score by 4 points then I will be eligible to receive a scholarship. As of right now, I’m considering south, but I don’t know if I wanna stay in Mobile or not.

Ambassador Event

I was not present in Mr. Rease’s class because of an ambassador event. During the event ,I was charged with greeting the guest and showing them to their designated area. The lasted all of third block,    and I had many encounters with a lot of different people. Overall, the experience was fun.

You are such a smart person to me now

You are such a smart person to me now. You are going to be someone someday. Your brightness shines like a fat cow. The world is gray without your say. You remind me of myself but more calm. Like shaken soda am I; you're still. Water you are, the opposite of bombs. The one of which is calm is quite more chill. You are afraid of failure and you win Because of fear you win with gladness, and You win with satisfaction again and again. Your fears help you be a better woman. Smart person are you, and silent you are. You are afraid so, hope will take you far.

Tears of Frustration

 Today has been the most frustrating day in Mr. Rease's class thus far. Mr. Rease gave the class a task of writing a sonnet.  This was hard for me because I was concentrating on trying to make the sonnet flow while trying to focus on iambic pentameter. The process frustrated me so much that I began to tear up. The ringing of the bell was the only thing that relieved my tears.


   Today in Mr. Rease's class we covered two of Shakespeare's sonnet poems. The one we mainly discussed was sonnet 18. This poem is also known as ''Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer's Day''. As a class we analyzed the poem, but prior to that we were expected to paraphrase each line of the poem on our own. I felt as though I did well on the paraphrase portion into we went over it. When we analyzed it together I came to a conclusion that paraphrasing is a weak area for me. This was simply because nearly all of my answers were incorrect.