
Showing posts from February, 2019

Day 13 Reflection

Everyone in the town gathered to see the Christmas program, but soon after they would gather to console miss Emma. Two months after the school's program Jefferson received the date that he would be given the death penalty. The news was told to Grant and Reverend Ambrose by sheriff Guidry. Grant was summoned impromptuly to Henri Prichot's home where Guidry delivered the news. Guidry was not very remorseful and essentially worsened the news, and ironically he was set to die on Easter. He and the pastor were tasked to deliver the information to Miss Emma. Grant was too afraid and too overwhelmed by the news that he ensured Reverend Ambrose would be a more suitable candidate.

Day 12 Reflection

   Grant is summoned to the sheriff Guidry’s office. The sheriff asked him why did he feel like it was significant to relocate Jefferson’s visit. Grant has no idea what the sheriff is talking about. The sheriff explains to him how miss Emma, along with his aunt and the pastor, visited his wife. There they talked about how it would be a necessity to have a bigger place to visit Jefferson. Grant is totally oblivious to their actions, and by his tone one can tell that he is irritated by their doings. He realizes that the Sheriff is convinced he is associated by with their doings. All the miscommunication makes Grant want to relinquish the weekly visits with Jefferson.

Day 11 Reflection

    Miss Emma discovers that Grant lied about what happened during his visit with Jefferson. She confronts Grant about her findings. Miss Emma explains to him that Jefferson was very nonchalant and sarcastic during her visit with him; therefore, he couldn't have been telling the truth about Jefferson actions. She proceeded to tell him about how Jefferson acted like he was framed, a hog. She even mentions how he constantly begs for corn. Basically, she tells how Jefferson is playing the role of what the people considered blacks as.

Day 10 Reflection

  Grant goes to the Rainbow club to get his lies together. In the midst, he realizes that his mind needs to be at ease. So, he goes to visit Vivian. Grant brings up moving away with Vivian again. He, again, disregards her current situation. He continues his pleads .It seems as if Grant is forcing the ideal of moving onto Vivian. Later, Vivian meets Tante Lou, Grant's aunt. Their encounter is unexpected and very awkward.  His aunt and her company is rude and does not welcome Vivian. Grant notices the tension towards her and he respectfully puts everyone in their place. Grant coming to Vivian's aid and protecting her from his aunt and her company displays a serious affection towards her.

My Weekend Reflection

    My weekend was very repetitive. I went to work and came home. At home, I watched television and studied. For instance, I watched ID all day and studied rhetorical devices. In addition, I studied for my upcoming chemistry AP exam.  My weekend ,overall, was very routined.

Day 9 Reflection

      During his trial the lawyer calls him a hog. Jefferson consistently replayed the lawyer words in his head. He lets the words dictate his manhood. He becomes depressed, and he gradually tries to fit the description. For instance, he does not attempt to groom himself. He even proves to Grant that he could be what the white folks called him. He sarcastically proves himself  by devouring the food out the bag with out using his hand, similar to an animal. However, Grant continuously reminds Jefferson that he is not a hog ,but he is human

Day 8 Reflection

  Grant came to the realization that he was set up by his aunt and Miss Emma.  He had an epiphany that from the beginning he was elected by the two to speak to Jefferson. Their reasoning behind this was because he was the only eligible candidate. Consequently, Grant felt betrayed by his aunt actions because of the process he endured to speak with Jefferson. He was belittled by the white men, he privacy was invaded, and he had to pretend to be uneducated. He was humiliated. Grant felt as though his aunt actions contradicted everything she preached to him. 

Day 7 Reflection

   The first time Miss Emma and Grant visited Jefferson, in jail, he was extremely quiet. Jefferson was down in spirit, and he saw no reason to procrastinate his existence. He spoke as if he was robbed of dignity and  hope. He appeared broken. Essentially, he looked like he needed help. In addition, it was very ironic that Grant dreaded his visit, but he was already planning what he was going to bring to the next one.

Day 6 Reflection

The relationship that Grant had with his teacher was strange. Grant was very eager to learn from his mulatto teacher even after the teacher admitted to hating him. The teacher even admitted to feeling superior to all negroes, yet he would allow Grant to frequently visit him. Grant would disregard the teacher's feelings toward him and the world just to learn something he felt that school could not teach. He wanted to learn a valuable life lesson, so he look toward the teacher for answers. However, the teacher would only call Grant a fool for not taking the ''flight'' when he had the chance to. This stirred up confusion. Also, this later explains why Grant felt a sense of urgency to move somewhere else because he finally comprehended what the teacher meant be ''flight''.

Weekend Adventure

     My weekend was a mixture of blessings and lessons. I got to see my younger cousins that I have not seen in years. We had fun together and chilled like we did years ago. For instance, we went to the Mardi Gras parades ,and we had a sleep over.  I dropped my phone in water this weekend. This occurred because my phone was in my back pocket, so it fell into the water. I performed CPR on my phone. It revived and now has a few difficulties. That taught me to never put my phone into my back pocket again. Moreover my weekend was very adventurous.

Day 5 Reflection

 Day 5            Wiggins anticipated the superintendent arrival. Grant had spent days searching for a perfect meet with superintendent. For instance, he practiced how the kids would act and speak.  Grant labored over this meet which stimulated regret. He mentioned that he could have been lenient. For example, he mentioned that he could have been nicer. Moreover, Grant was portrayed as being a perfectionist, which enlightened readers why he did not like the impromptu talk with Mr. Henri.  . 

Day 4 Reflection

Day 4     During the conversation with Sheriff Guidry and Grant, the sheriff desperately attempted to humiliate Grant. He would make sarcastic remarks to play with Grant's intelligence. The people who accompanied the Sheriff would have smirks plastered onto their faces. They hated the fact that Grant spoke proper English, so they felt as if it was a sign of disrespect. Grant demonstrated intelligence and it aggravated Guidry and his peers. Essentially, Grant was humiliated for being a intellectual, black man.

Day 3 Reflection

 Day 3   Grant Wiggins was annoyed by the repetitiveness that continually occurred. He mentioned that he knew what each day of school would be like. For instance, he knew what scriptures the children would recite and he even knew the clothes they would move on. Everything seemed as if it was a endless cycle. Along with the Jefferson situation, in which he ''predicted'' the verdict, Grant became irritated and released his anger. For example, he disciplined the children with a ruler for making mistakes that he felt should have never happened. In addition to being irritated by the repetitiveness, he was annoyed be his aunt petty doings. This was pivotal moment because this caused Wiggins to retaliate negative energy.

Day 2 Reflection

    Day 2    Grant had a sense of urgency. He was urgent to get away from his current conditions, and he        displayed a sense of urgency when he wanted to commit to Vivian. He knew that Vivian was      technically still married and had kids, yet he was eagerly ready to go''someplace else'' with her. Also    was ready to abort town and his leave his whole life behind. Grant seemed as if he was ready to find    out what the future was about without living the present moments. Overall, Grant felt exigency to    runaway from his prevailing life.

Presentation Reflection    The process of the powerpoint and presentation was both challenging and enlightening. During the process I gained insight on the many purposes crisis speeches are giving. With some difficulty, I was able to notice crisis rhetoric and how it was used as a persuasive technique. Being able to determine which part of crisis rhetoric was being used often confused me; however, the preparation for the presentation was most difficult. This is because I had to analyze my findings where others could comprehend.

Day 1 Reflection

Day 1        The tone that Miss Emma held during her conversation with Mr. Henri was fearless. She spoke as though he was not white, and she was not black. She disregarded current conditions and spoke with no remorse. Miss Emma felt as if it was Mr. Henri rightful obligation to have this conversation with both her and his brother- in law. She was very repetitive and persistent with her address that it annoyed him. Furthermore, Her persistence was relevant in Mr. Henri choosing to do the favor for Miss Emma.