
Showing posts from January, 2019

MLK analysis

             Martin Luther King effectively uses repetition in his ''I have a dream speech'' to emphasize concepts and ideas and to gain the audiences attention in his hope for equality. For instance, King consistently states ''Now is the time..... Now is the time .... Now is the time''. King does this to make his point clear. He constantly says ''Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado ... Let freedom ring..''. King repeats those set of words to increase the rate of the audience comprehension. Overall King's usage of repetition, helps draw attention to key ideas in his speech for equality.            King productively uses allusions in his ''I have a dream speech to reference to historical events and  to pay tribute in his hope for equality. '' Five score years ago a great American in whose symbolic shadow we stand signed the Emancipation Proclamation''. King referencing to a prominent histor

Vocabulary Paragraph

Blunders- A stupid or careless mistake Zany- A musingly unconventional and idiosyncratic Incongruous- not in harmony or keeping with surroundings or other aspects of something Ridicule- The subject of someone or something too contemptuous and dismissive language or behavior Mortification - great embarrassment and shame Gratuitously- uncalled for; lacking good reason; unwarranted Septuagenarian- A person who is 70-79 years old Frolicking- play and move about cheerfully, excitedly, or energetically Jeering- make rude and mocking remarks, typically in aloud voice Hideously- in extreme ugly manner Exasperating- intensely irritated and frustrated Ingratiating- bring oneself into favor with someone by flattering or trying to please them     At school I often become exasperated and angry with myself. This occurs because of numerous reasons. One reason is when I do not speak up in class because I am afraid of being ridiculed. For example, when I say the wrong answers, in class, I

My American Dream

 My idea of an American dream is to pursue ambition and expectation and to be granted the liberty to do so. To be granted the the freedom to achieve both tangible and intangible goals is living the american dream. For example, buying your own home is a tangible goal. To have the ability to believe in any religion, respectfully, is living the american dream. For instance, many people in other countries are not granted the rights to serve other gods except the one that they are expected to worship. Overall, my concept of the American dream is to have the ability or opportunity to pursue your happiness.

A Part of Me

A Part of Me   Each style is my own.   Each piece  is unique.   Each texture is creatively designed,   A nd it is all a part of me.   It’s my hair.   It does not define me.   It does not  solidify   my  positions,   But it is beautiful whether styled or messy

Reflecting and Traveling

The preceding semester of school I learned or acquired information on a variety of reading techniques. Some of the techniques consisted of skillful analyzing and accurately annotating.  During the previous semester I often struggled with complex text due to my ignorance of vocabulary; therefore, I need to broaden my usage of words. This will increase my ability to comprehend or grasp concepts. Furthermore, with the new enlightenment of knowledge from the earlier semester, I anticipate or hope to learn more about writing and the devices it includes.