
Showing posts from September, 2018

The Triangular Flag

It sways back and forth  as it triangular  face looks downward and the tiger displayed on the flag furiously roars Its purple and gold surface  looking down upon me  like I am its servant along with the bold print  of the initials ''LSU'' standing at attention

Special Place

     I consider my special place to be my room. I feel more comfortable and confident in my room. When I am depressed or when i feel as if an anxiety attack is near, I immediately want to be in the comfort of my room. Being in that area is allows me to be content. It is my personal paradise. I am surrounded by all the things that are dear to me. Each object distinctly describes me. When I am down and need a shoulder to cry on, but i have no one to rely on, I go to my room where I shed my tears in private. That space is my safe haven. I have made many memories in there whether great or awful I cherish them all. I am the best part of me when I am lying around my safe haven because I am myself, something that no one has ever seen. I am beautiful in my room because there is no one judging me.