
Ethical Dilemma Project

Ethical Dilemma Project   Angel Scott Carson Scott Malaysia Wilson Case Study 6: Hint : See Owasso Independent School Dist. v. Falvo (2001) . The math teacher assigned homework the night before, and the next day, he decides to allow the students to “trade and grade” the assignment.  This process allows the students to trade papers with one another while the teacher calls out the answers. Some teachers believe this saves time as well as helps reinforce skills learned. However, a struggling student feels embarrassed because they continue to perform poorly on assignments and other students are making fun of the student because of it. That afternoon, a parent calls to complain.  The parent claims that a classmate grading his/her child’s work is a violation of their right to privacy of personal records. Did the teacher violate any laws? Does the parent have a valid point? Why or why not? 1. Identify the ethical dilemma that the teacher must resolve. The dilemma that the teacher must encou

Double Check

This is beginning to get very frustrating. Every time I think I post a blog, I realize a day later that I did not press publish. This has happened three times since school has been out. I got to start doing double checks.

Book Review

Angel  Scott   Mr.Rease   AP English Literature and Composition   April 12, 2020     Book Review   I have recently read the novel   The Awakening  by Kate Chopin.   It is of  realistic  and  bildungsroman  genre which entails that  the novel  focuses  on the protagonist m oral  and  psychologica l  growth . Th e   growth and  change  are  significant to the work .   Edna  Pontellier   is the protagonist  and  the  most pivotal character. She’s the one who experiences  “the  awakening ”. Many other character s   contribute a  vital  role  to Edna’s  change  such as Leonce   P ontellier, Ade le  Ratigonelle , Robert Lebrun,  Alece   Arobin , and Mademoiselle Reisz.   In the novel  Edna Pontellier becomes aware of he r  sexuality and independence .  After this change  occurs,  she  begins  to  have conflict  with  society .   For example,  Edna  views  of women  are  contrary to those of her  time .   Also, Edna  struggles   with internal  conflict .   She become

Still Overwhelmed

This week I'm focusing on editing and submitting my project. Two of three have already been submitted. By tomorrow I will be done editing, and I'll submit my final portion of the project. I am so ready to complete everything. I'm tired of overthinking. I'm ready to get this weight lifted off my shoulders.


Today I plan on finishing my power point. I have a total of eleven slides, but I have only completed six of them in detail. My power point is very meticulous, and organized. I am satisfied of what I have created thus far. My goal is to make the finishing product better than what I have now. My plan is to be complete by today, and I'm excelling to reach my goal.


Today was very frustrating. As mentioned yesterday I decided to do the book jacket for the numbered portion of the senior project. I thought It would be easy. I took me five hours to complete the project. Four of those hours were dedicated to the title page. This was the longest process ever, but the end results were satisfying.

In Due Time

I thought I had it all figured out. I knew I was certain about choosing the activity which consisted of the CD case, but that all changed today. As I was working on my project, I pondered "maybe I should do a book jacket?". It would allow me to explore my artistic side, now that's comical. On a serious note, I think it fits the description of "me" more. For some odd reason it seamed to be jumping off the paper saying " pick me". Either fortunate or unfortunate I took the bait, so let's see how this turns out.